Importance of computer

Importance of computer
Before you know the importance of computers, you should know what is a computer? what can a computer do, From where it has come from, who has made it. Computer, Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used for Trade Education and Research. In short Computer, it is an electronic device which accepts data and information from us and by processing them gives result in the display screen or another output device. It can be used for every calculation, Education, Research, Medical, and scientific purpose. In Early days the man was using Abacus for calculating purpose after Abacus many devices invented like Napier's bone, Logarithm, Slide rule, Pascal adding machine, Leibniz's calculating machine, etc and like that finally, Computer came in front of us and the credit goes to Father of computer science Charles Babbage. Important of computers can not be defined in languages, it has proved itself to be of great use and very important for today's fast-developing age. Computers provide us many facilities like storage capacity, they are fast, excellent efficiency, fast and quick decision and many more. In today's world computers have captured everything, everywhere, it has widely covered the whole world, you can take an example of the IT field. Nowadays many persons are making carrier in the computer field. computers are widely used in the medical field, it is used in science also due to computers only it has been possible for us to go out of the world(earth). in today's day, we can not think of our life without a computer, we can not move a single step also in our life of the carrier.